
Life is grand

My Letter to Obama


Dear President Barack Obama,

Thank you thank you thank you! And congratulations on your massive and historic victory. You are the hope for our future. Your success has cracked not only the ceiling of straight-white-male political power, but the wall of cynicism around my heart as well. I am proud to be an American for the first time in my lifetime. Our country has taken another step towards equality, dignity and justice for all people. You are the perfect antidote to the poison of the last eight years of fear and war.

I know you are only one man and you will not be able to make a perfect world. But you have been elected on your promise for change and you have a mandate. We will hold you accountable. Please do the right things…

  • End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bring the troops home.
  • Cut the “defense” budget in half. It will still be the largest in the world.
  • Establish a department of Peace.
  • End our military support of Israel.
  • Lead us to the elimination of nuclear weapons.
  • Ban the use of torture, including harsh interrogation methods by the CIA and US military.
  • End the secret transfer of prisoners to foreign governments that torture.
  • Close the Guantanamo Bay Naval Prison.
  • Close the US Army School of Americas.
  • Repeal the Death Penalty.
  • Free Leonard Peltier!
  • Put our country in a place of leadership for human rights and environmental justice around the world.
  • Repeal the portions of the Patriot Act that restrict our constitutional liberties.
  • Protect women’s rights to reproductive choices and freedoms.
  • Urge the Senate to pass the Fair Pay Restoration Act.
  • Promote an Equal Rights Amendment for women.
  • Promote an Equal Rights Amendment for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
  • Prioritize the reversal of global warming.
  • Make those investments in alternative fuels and renewable energy.
  • Place a moratorium on nuclear power.
  • Stop the storage of nuclear waste on Native American lands.
  • Promote religious and non-religious tolerance.
  • End corporate welfare, and fund the social programs that we need so desperately.
  • Invest in our schools.
  • Invest in our cities.
  • Preserve and expand affirmative action.
  • Ban racial profiling by police and all government agents.
  • Reinstate the ban on assault weapons.
  • Decriminalize drugs.
  • Legalize medical marijuana.
  • Invest money in support of the arts.
  • Make healthcare a universal right.
  • Make higher education a universal right.
  • Make affordable housing and food universal rights.
  • Protect and increase the integrity of our food and water supplies.
  • Invest in small farms and organic food production.
  • Protect our organic standards.
  • Ban genetically modified foods and animals.
  • Reform the election process and campaign financing.
  • Make voter registration universal.

I have great hopes and expectations for you and for our nation. I know you will work towards international peace and cooperation. The whole world celebrates with us today, on finally making a wise choice of leadership.

Thank you for your inspiration.

posted under News
7 Comments to

“My Letter to Obama”

  1. On November 5th, 2008 at 11:30 pm Allen Taylor Says:

    Nice writing. You are on my RSS reader now so I can read more from you down the road.

    Allen Taylor

  2. On November 6th, 2008 at 1:39 am sheri Says:

    Obama responds:

    Dear sheri

    Thank you for contacting me, and for your kind words and support. I’m receiving thousands of messages right now from across the country and Americans around the world. I am honored and deeply humbled by the confidence the American people have placed in me and Senator Biden.

    I am hopeful about the opportunities and clear-eyed about the challenges our nation faces. I look forward to working with all Americans, regardless of who they voted for, in the great project of American renewal. Enlisting the energy and ingenuity of the American people is the only way we will create the changes that so many people want to see, so Senator Biden and I hope you will remain active in your community and involved in national policy debates.

    Barack Obama

    A note from Obama for America: If you have questions, suggestions, or comments about the federal government, policy, or the coming Obama/Biden Administration, please stay tuned for more information and a new website coming soon that will tell you how to get involved.

    If you’re contacting us because you’ve been energized by your participation in our grassroots movement, we want you to remain active in your community and involved in national policy debates. Please continue to visit http://www.BarackObama.com regularly. We’ve built one of the most comprehensive nationwide organizing networks in history, and our victory on November 4th is only the beginning of the work we will do together.

    If you have other thoughts or business with the campaign, you can continue to reach us toll free at 866-675-2008. We appreciate hearing from you and hope you’ll continue to work with us as we build America’s future together.

    Paid for by Obama for America

  3. On November 6th, 2008 at 7:28 am maria budner Says:

    So beautifully put.
    Thank you for writing it and thanks for sharing it.
    I am so hopeful now about the possibility of effecting real change for the good of all in this country.

  4. On November 6th, 2008 at 9:14 am Yali Lincroft Says:

    Hi Sherry –

    I agree with your words – now the hard part starts – the day after the election.

    However, after 8 years of having a President that was morally corrupt, I think that things have to get better.

    Best, Yali

  5. On November 6th, 2008 at 2:19 pm Erin Albert Says:


  6. On November 6th, 2008 at 5:40 pm Margaret McKnight Says:

    I’ll sign that letter!
    We’ve lived so long under the shadow, its hard to fully contemplate the good ness that can come. You are awakening my hopes, especially with such a long list. I’ve grown so disillusioned lately I’d be happy with just getting out of Iraq and maybe a step or two toward stopping global warming so we aren’t literally underwater here in Calif. But now we must believe again, we must reawaken our dreams and our energy. Thanks.

  7. On November 13th, 2008 at 7:57 am Kathy Spellman Says:

    What a pleasure it is to have such a thoughtful, insightful, and strong neice. You go girl ! Thanks for being brave and outspoken….for all peoples of this world.
    Love always,

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